05-May Glenburn Second Flush Darjeeling Summer Leaf Tea FTGFOP1
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Direct from the Glenburn Tea Estate in Darjeeling, India!
This second flush Darjeeling is plucked during the early summer months of May and June. Shoots of the bush which draw their succulence from the late spring rain showers are selected to make the stylish rolled leaf. The cup is clear amber to the eye, nonetheless full-bodied with a mature flavor compared to the First Flush that preceded it. Glenburn's unique growing conditions imbue the very select clonal plants with a special character in their liquor all its own, yielding a complex layer of maltiness with musk and nutty undertones. Your senses will mark the consistency in Glenburn quality from year to year!
Glenburn recommends preparing this tea with 2.5g* to 200ml (7 fl.oz.) water. Teacup yields & price-per-teacup are calculated on that basis.
Your own yields may vary depending on whether you like more or fewer tea leaves to your water quantity for strength, or the size of your cups. For example: *Don't have pocket gram scales in your kitchen? Think 1 teaspoon tea leaves per English teacup or increase to 2 teaspoons tea leaves per typical American coffee mug. Obviously, if you go the route of the larger American coffee mug instead of the 7oz teacup, you won't get as many mugs of tea out of the container as we project for the 7oz teacup.
2.5 grams in 200 ml (7 fl-oz) water at
100°C (212°F) for 3-4 minutes.
or 1 tea spoon per English tea cup,
or: 2 tea spoonse per American coffee mug