Comments from our customers
“I could not help but write to you while enjoying my perfect cup of tea. Of course, it was made in my new exquisite pot, and sipped from the most darling of cups. I had long forgotten the experience and I thank KTeas for this one moment of sublime contentment.” – Joy F., Charlotte, NC
Kate H. dotes on Irish Sunrise upon several occasions:
“The “Irish Sunrise” tea is wonderful in the morning, the fragrance is spicey and a bit floral and it is robust enough to jump start my day. I love it with a touch of milk. It is amazing that those tiny little tea leaves can have so much flavor. There is nothing like loose tea, when the leaves have the opportunity to open fully, the flavor is amazing.”
And later (accompanying her comments on Rooibus Ginger & London Commute, below):
“Of course I love the Irish Sunrise. It transports me: if I close my eyes I can make myself believe that I am sitting in a cottage on the sea in Galway. HMMMMMMM! Memories.” – Kate H., Midlothian, VA
“My tea is very good, I really like the Rooibus Ginger and I even like the decaf [London Commute (decaf English Breakfast)]. It has a different taste, but is pleasant, and gives my tastebuds the idea that they are tasting “real tea”.” – Kate H., Midlothian, VA
“I purchased some teas before Christmas. On this snowy cold morning I am enjoying “jingle bells”. Thank you for your teas and this website.” – Shirlee A., Fort Mill, SC
“I completely understand Shirlee’s statement. I really enjoyed the “jingle bells” tea throughout the holidays. It just makes you feel warm and cozy and puts you in the Christmas/Holiday spirit.” – Kate H., Midlothian, VA
“I recently purchased several teas from your website and have been thoroughly enjoying them. They are all of the highest quality – fresh, fragrant, and far more richly flavored than anything I’d buy at the grocery. Setting out a variety alongside your personal tea bags has worked well when entertaining guests. KTeas has my recommendation!” – Julianne H., Mequon, WI
General tea remarks made from our most prolific commentator!:
“Thanks. I am looking forward to sitting down to a cup of “comfort”, when they arrive. When I have a cup of tea in the afternoon, I visibly sigh from pleasure. Tea is my comfort “food” each and every day, just ask my kids. They swear they are going to have “Sit down, have a cup of tea, it will make you feel better,” on my tombstone. All I can say is, it could be much worse!!!!” – Kate H., Midlothian, VA