Kilauea Forest White Tea - origin: Volcano Village, Hawaii
Kilauea Forest White Tea - origin: Volcano Village, Hawaii

Kilauea Forest White Tea - origin: Volcano Village, Hawaii

Hand-plucked Single-Estate tea: Volcano Village - Home Grown Estate Farm
Not Available At This Time -  These leaves are long, loose, downy. The flavor of this shade-grown tea remains delightfully floral throughout multiple steepings.
Tea Hawaii & Company's recommendations:
3 grams tea leaves per serving (may be 2 teaspoons due to size of white tea leaves).
208°F water. 3 minutes. May increase steeping time 1 minute per subsequent
steeping. (But KTeas says that's not even necessary! 3 minutes will work each steep.)
Features .
6g bag yields 8 cups at 3g tea per cup & 12g bag yields 16 cups at 3g tea per cup
because you can infuse the same leaves up to 4 times with no loss of flavor!
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