The Traveling Tea Ladies: Death In Dixie by Melanie O'Hara-Salyers
Charlie's Angels meet Steel Magnolias!
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psst! Look in product descriptions for KTeas versions of teas mentioned in the book!
"Cozy mystery fans sit back and enjoy the second installment in The Traveling Tea Ladies series. Strong women, strong southern friendships and strong tea are steeped in this mystery best described as Charlie's Angels Meets Steel Magnolias." --from the back cover.
We have to put in a plug for the K in KTeas!: The author and our friend, Melanie O'Hara-Salyers, asked Kathryn to be one of the blurb-writers for Death In Dixie, and then chose Kathryn's "blurb" to be the book's Foreward! We are so honored!
Melanie mentions several teas in the book, and we are going to try to identify all the KTeas incarnations of those teas, so look for mention of The Traveling Tea Ladies in product descriptions!